Ochrona przed korozją ma ogromne znaczenie w przemyśle morskim i wytwórczym. Powierzchnie metalowe są stale narażone na działanie wielu niebezpiecznych czynników ( np: woda, ogień, warunki atmosferyczne), które wraz z na przykład solami – tworzą zabójczą kombinację. Dzięki Brllnt możesz szybko ulepszyć ochronę swoich metalowych podłoży przy mniejszym nakładzie pracy i materiałów w porównaniu z tradycyjnymi systemami.

Doskonale się sprawdza m.in. w produkcji kontenerów morskich, maszyn i turbin oraz w przemyśle stoczniowym itp.

Powłoka może być nałożna przy pomocy:

  • pędzla
  • wałka malarskiego
  • pistoletu natryskowego airless / airmix

Dostępne systemy:

  • System 1-warstwowy (C3 wysoka, C4 niska ochrona przed korozją)
  • System 2/3 warstwowy (C4 wysoka, C5 średnia ochrona przed korozją)
  • System 3-warstwowy (C5 wysoka, z podkładem cynkowym 1K jako pierwszą warstwą)

Brllnt Metal Primer

Available in: 5L/20L/IBC (1000 liter)

Product description

One-component waterbased anti-corrosive coating with an outstanding adhesion on metal surfaces. Is based on a unique combination of several waterbased binders. It also can be directly applied on rusted or poor-prepared ferrous substrates.


Designed as an anti-corrosion surfacer, also suitable for automatic application and an outstanding possibility for forced drying. These coatings can be directly applied on rusted or poor-prepared ferrous substrates. It ensures an effective blocking effect on residual rust and avoids its migration through the fresh paint film. Its passivation properties on rust allow to maintain good anticorrosion performances of the coatings, despite the adverse substrate conditions.

Brllnt Metal Topcoat

Available in: 5L/20L/IBC (1000 liter) 

Product description

One-coat waterbased anti-corrosive glossy coating with outstanding adhesion on metal surfaces. It is based on a unique combination of several waterbased binders. It also can be directly applied on rusted or poor-prepared ferrous substrates.


Designed as an anti-corrosion surfacer, it is also suitable for automatic application and has an outstanding possibility for forced drying. This coating can be directly applied on rusted or poor-prepared ferrous substrates. It ensures an effective blocking effect on residual rust and avoids its migration through the fresh paint film. Its passivation properties on rust allow the maintain good anticorrosion performances of the coatings, despite the adverse substrate conditions.

Brllnt Heat Resistant Primer

Available in: 10L/20L

Product description

Brllnt® 1K Heat resistance/anti corrosion primer is a one component quick-drying based on epoxy resins. Primer and single-coat for plant construction and engineering. Also for temperature-stressed objects like engines, steam-pipes or exhaust gas-line. The hardened film has very good adhesion and surface hardness and is resistant to continuous temperatures up to +600°C. This kind of product is also available in sprays. This series is also available in spray.


Designed as an anti-corrosion heat resistant surfacer, also suitable for automatic application and an outstanding possibility for forced drying. These coatings can be directly applied on ferrous substrates.

Brllnt Heat Resistant Topcoat

Available in: 10L/20L 

Product description

Brllnt® 1K Heat resistance/anti corrosion TopCoat is a one component quick-drying topcoat based on high quality silicone resins. For objects resistant to high temperatures, such as exhaust systems, engines, venting and exhaust installations. The hardened film has very good adhesion and surface hardness and is resistant to continuous temperatures up to +600°C. This kind of product is also available in sprays.


Designed as an anti-corrosion heat resistant surfacer, also suitable for automatic application and an outstanding possibility for forced drying. This topcoating can be directly applied on Brllnt Heat Resisting Primer. It avoids its migration through the fresh paint film. Its passivation properties allow to maintain good anticorrosion performances of the coatings, despite the adverse substrate conditions.

„Brllnt posiada udowodnione właściwości, które zapewniają lepszą ochronę konstrukcji metalowych”

Brllnt® jest marką Brllnt Green Group BV

Brllnt (head office)

+31 (0)85 060 57 82

Lange Marktstraat 1
8911 AD Leeuwarden
The Netherlands


Brllnt Eastern Europe

+31 (0)85 060 57 82

al. Jana Pawła II 27
00-867 Warszawa, Warsaw, Poland


Stay in touch

Mamy lokalizacje produkcyjne w wielu częściach świata. Na razie mamy renomowanych partnerów produkcyjnych w Holandii, Polsce, Australii. Poszukujemy partnerów w Skandynawii, USA i jesteśmy otwarci na wszelkiego rodzaju współpracę..

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