The eco-nano technology, the Brllnt Formula and the Brllnt brand are properties of Nedersolutions. NederSolutions is a company based in Leeuwarden, The Netherlands.


Paul M. van den Boogaard 

(莫保罗 Mo Paul)

“I am an expert in market development and opening of new markets and studied polymer chemistry and materials science. Together with a select group of highly experienced specialists (together more than 100 years of experience worldwide) who have the expertise in their specific field, I set up NederSolutions to solve customers’ real problems.

Competitors are too cautious and inflexible and are waiting for a demand from the market. They do not solve the problems, they put out fires, they wait and see what governments will do before responding. We solve the problems, are proactive, flexible, innovative, work together with customers and partners to achieve the best possible results, the best possible solutions.

In addition, we want to help and contribute to solve the current global environmental pollution problems. We also want to improve working conditions for workers in factories and beyond, through the introduction of what we call future-proof coatings and paints, the real eco-coatings.

We have noticed that many companies call themselves sustainable. Sustainable nevertheless means for us that a company must be sustainable from A to Z and not just partly and therefore sustainable has acquired a strange aftertaste for us. Many sustainable companies, for example in the automotive industry, are not sustainable at all! We have been, for many years, developing paints and coatings for many firms in this world, we know how to make good paint. We know how to make unique coatings.

Now we have decided to develop our own solutions, because bringing change to the world. is still going to slow. We have taken the right steps and developed real sustainable coatings and paints that help change the world and solve the problems we face today.

We do not wait for the future, but shape it ourselves, we are part of the future makers.”

Brllnt® is a brand of Brllnt Green Group BV

Brllnt (head office)

+31 850 606 439

Lange Marktstraat 1
8911 AD Leeuwarden
The Netherlands


Brllnt Eastern Europe

+31 850 606 439

al. Jana Pawła II 27
00-867 Warszawa, Warsaw, Poland


Stay in touch

We have production locations in many parts of the world. For now we have established renowned production partners in the Netherlands, Poland, Australia and China. We are looking for partners in Scandinavia, USA and are open for all types of corporations.

Manufacturing, Distribution and Corporation partners

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