A Brllnt collaboration
Although the exact formula behind our eco-nano technolgy stays secret, you can use the Brllnt Formula to produce a broad range of coatings, paints and related products. We’re looking for long lasting partnerships with paint producers. Not only to produce our Brllnt products for the local market. Also to develop and finetune new applications of the Brllnt Formula.

Produce our Brllnt products for the local market
One kind of cooperation is that you produce our ready to use products in your factory. In that case you will receive a Brllnt Formula Box with the recipe, including the secret Brllnt ingredients, and instructions for your production unit.
Create new solutions with the Brllnt Formula
We would also like to combine our creativity and inventiveness with yours to develop new solutions together. As long as it’s based on our eco-nano technology, we’re very determined to create new solutions for your market and clients.
Our brand or your brand?
Depending on your local situation and the role your organization plays in the market, we can discuss under which brand we market the products. Preferably we would like to choose for the Brllnt brand. But it is negotiable to bring the products under your own brand or a brand of a third party to the market.
Want to find out what innovations based on our eco-nano technology we can create together? Get in contact!

Brllnt® is a brand of Brllnt Green Group BV

Brllnt (head office)

Brllnt Eastern Europe
Stay in touch
We have production locations in many parts of the world. For now we have established renowned production partners in the Netherlands, Poland, Australia and China. We are looking for partners in Scandinavia, USA and are open for all types of corporations.
Manufacturing, Distribution and Corporation partners
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