Before coating a surface you want to be absolutely sure that it is clean enough. Otherwise the coating will fail or not meet the requirements.

Brllnt Dyne Spray is a very reliable and easy to use Surface Tension Coatability Tester (STCT). Just spray it. When the sprayed film stays closed, the surface is clean. In case of drop formation the surface is not clean enough.

Applicable on steel and old paint layers. Available in the many colours.

“Brllnt offers a cheaper and quicker alternative for the Dyne pen”

Brllnt® is a brand of Brllnt Green Group BV

Brllnt (head office)

+31 (0)85 060 57 82

Lange Marktstraat 1
8911 AD Leeuwarden
The Netherlands


Brllnt Eastern Europe

+31 (0)85 060 57 82

al. Jana Pawła II 27
00-867 Warszawa, Warsaw, Poland


Stay in touch

We have production locations in many parts of the world. For now we have established renowned production partners in the Netherlands, Poland, Australia and China. We are looking for partners in Scandinavia, USA and are open for all types of corporations.

Manufacturing, Distribution and Corporation partners

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