The solution for responsible wastewater treatment!

Together with manufacturing partner Trivec, Brllnt offers you this unique solution to your company’s wastewater problem.

What can a wastewater system do for you?

Are you already handling wastewater responsibly? When cleaning spraying equipment, brushes, rollers or an industrial paint or glue machine, wastewater is generated. Discharging wastewater contaminated with paint, glue, lacquer, stain, or ink to the sewer is not allowed. Trivec Eco Solutions’ installations offer a two-in-one solution; cleaning tools and treating wastewater.

By working with a wastewater system, you prevent:
1 Unnecessary pollution of the environment
2 Clogging of pipes and drainage of your workplace
3 Waste of time cleaning tools
4 Fines in the event of environmental inspections

Compact Systems

AS50 Type A / Type K

With a capacity of 50 litre and a compact design, this wastewater system is often chosen by painters, spray shops and educational institutions with smaller waste streams. Ideal for cleaning small amounts of brushes and other paint tools.

AS80 Type A / Type K

The most commonly used wastewater installation. With a capacity of 80 litres this model is suitable for medium quantities of waste water originating from paint tools, spraying equipment or industrial machinery.

AS120 Type A / Type K

This system has a capacity of 120 litres and offers more working space thanks to the wider washing basin. This makes the installation suitable for cleaning spraying equipment, paint tools and bigger machine parts. The installation is equipped with two filter baskets with a capacity of 60 litres each, ensuring quicker filtering process.

Industrial Systems

AS160 Type A / Type K

For companies where more tools, machine parts and pumps are cleaned, a higher capacity is needed. Thanks to its size, the AS160 offers sufficient space for several employees and larger machine parts. It can be used in paint shops, spray shops and industry for processing volumes of wastewater of up to 200 litres per batch.


The AC300 wastewater system is configured completely according to your requirements and situation. Suitable for treating large volumes of wastewater. Can be equipped with one or more wash basins for cleaning paint tools, spraying equipment and machine parts.

These systems are used by painters and spray shops, the wood processing industry, the joinery industry and paint manufacturers.


Modular designed system for industrial applications. Suitable for handling very large volumes of wastewater. Fully configurable to match and improve existing business processes.

“Brllnt has proven features that provide better metal protection for constructions”

Brllnt® is a brand of Brllnt Green Group BV

Brllnt (head office)

+31 (0)85 060 57 82

Lange Marktstraat 1
8911 AD Leeuwarden
The Netherlands


Brllnt Eastern Europe

+31 (0)85 060 57 82

al. Jana Pawła II 27
00-867 Warszawa, Warsaw, Poland


Stay in touch

We have production locations in many parts of the world. For now we have established renowned production partners in the Netherlands, Poland, Australia and China. We are looking for partners in Scandinavia, USA and are open for all types of corporations.

Manufacturing, Distribution and Corporation partners

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